About Us
Garden City Glass is a company established off the back of a need for glass glazing and aluminium services in our region and to complement the work already being done by our screening company Garden City grilles & Doors.
Now we have always been involved in Glass, through small jobs for our clients while screening or security screening their property’s.
With years of experience and trade qualifications we have and will always be able to complete task our clients ask of us e.g.
“hey can you fit up a new shower screen?”
”can you fix that broken window?”
“can you replace the wheels in that door that’s hard to slide?”
I need a mirror for that bathroom, etc.
So it was time in 2020, after about 7 years out in the market place, to Involve ourselves more heavily in the Glass side of Glass and Aluminium again and really build a screen specific business that could provide products and service to the public, builders & industry partners at a volume & capacity that made it both cheaper and more practical than dealing with a normal old industry standard glass & aluminium companies.
Those standard guys want to sell you a window, maybe some shower screens, but they really don’t care about your actual screening needs, particularly if it's not associated to “the brand” that they sell.
Therefore, the driving force was to put together a team of professionals that could, yes do the little jobs, but really to provide the skill and expertise, not to mention the trucks and the machinery to do the big stuff, the heavy lifting, the emergency’s that life seems to throw our way. Just have a look through our picture Gallery to see some of the awesome stuff we can do and love to do.
So after a couple years of building on our experience and knowledge we currently have a team of 10+ that Range from qualified Glaziers (3), Apprentice Glaziers (2), Sales, installers, fabricators and administrative support staff to get the job done.
Unfortunately, windows get broken - that’s an easy fix, as well as bad and difficult things like ram raids - that’s not so easy, but yes we can fix that all the time being sensitive to helping you get back to normal in any event.
And of course there’s all the other things that make up your property and may need to be fixed, upgraded or just maintained.
2/4 Rocla Court
This website was created by and is
to Garden City Glass, Garden City Grilles & Doors, 2/4 Rocla Court, GLENVALE QLD 4350